
Town of Lanigan Council Supports Daycare Expansion Project in Lanigan

Lanigan, SK: At their regular meeting of January 27, 2025, the Town of Lanigan Council passed a resolution to approve an agreement in principle with the Lanigan Daycare Cooperative to construct a new daycare facility in Lanigan. “Daycare is vital to support growth of our community, without day care we can not hope to see Lanigan grow.” Said Mayor Tony Mycock. Mycock added “More available daycare spaces in Lanigan will help improve our labour market as more adults with young children will be available to fill jobs.” “We also know that people have chosen to go to other communities when Lanigan was their first choice, and because of the lack of daycare spaces they decided to go elsewhere.” Mycock also shared “As council we are happy to partner with the daycare board to help see this much needed new facility come to fruition. We see this as a win-win for all of us.”

Lanigan Daycare Cooperative operates an existing 48 space daycare facility, and they have been approved for a 90-space facility, which would add 42 new daycare spaces. “The existing daycare facility is tired and operating at maximum capacity with an ever-growing waitlist.” said Katelynn Psovsky. “We are excited to partner with the Town of Lanigan to build a new 90-space facility that is able to meet the needs of our growing community.” Added Psovsky.

A new daycare facility has been in discussion for some time with BHP providing a $40,000 grant to the Lanigan Daycare Cooperative to develop a business plan for this project. The business plan was completed by MNP and has been under review since last summer. The total project value is estimated at $3 million with the construction of a new building being in the $2.3 million range plus interior equipment and furnishings, playground equipment, landscaping and supplies and contingency. There is a one-time provincial government capital grant of $594,662 available to assist with the project, plus the sale of the existing daycare facility and a Lanigan Daycare contribution, which combined will contribute approximately $1 million. Financing for the balance of $2 million will be arranged by the Town of Lanigan with the Lanigan Daycare Cooperative being responsible for making the finance payments to the Town. There will be no property tax impact on the residents or businesses of the Town of Lanigan.

For more information, contact:

Mayor Tony Mycock, Town of Lanigan, Email:

Katelynn Psovsky, Lanigan Daycare Cooperative, Email:


New Release Backgrounder

The Town of Lanigan (Town) is taking the lead, in partnership with the Lanigan Daycare Cooperative (Daycare), to facilitate construction of the new daycare facility. The town will coordinate development of an RFP (Request for Proposal) process for a design/build approach and a small committee of representatives from the Town Council and Daycare Board will assist with guidance throughout the project.

Town CAO Ron McCullough will directly oversee the project with the assistance of Barry Morishita as a contract Project Coordinator. All costs of the project incurred by the town will be included in the overall project cost that the Daycare will be responsible for. There will be no property tax impact on the Town residents or businesses in Lanigan as a result of this project.

The Town of Lanigan will be arranging for the financing for this project and the Lanigan Daycare Cooperative will be responsible for repaying the financing through monthly payments. A formal legal agreement will be developed and entered between the Town and Daycare.

The Town will be leading a major fundraising project that will include corporate sponsorship of facilities in Lanigan, which Daycare will be one of those facilities. The Daycare will be responsible for smaller scale fundraising for the benefit of the Daycare.

The new daycare facility will be located on the former swimming pool site in Lanigan. The former swimming pool building, pool and tennis court facilities are scheduled for demolition is April 2025.

The timeline to facilitate this project is scheduled for construction start in June 2025 and occupancy by the Daycare in June 2026.