- Tuesday: Competitive League
- Thursday: Mixed League
Contact Information
- Address: 119 Downing Drive, Lanigan, SK S0K 2M0
- Willian Doud, President
- Phone: 306-360-7423
- Email: Lanigancurling@hotmail.com
- Facebook Page: facebook.com/lanigancurlingclub
The Lanigan Golf Course is a beautiful 9-hole grass green golf course with sculptured tees boxes. There is a fully licensed Clubhouse with meals available.
- Annual tournament dates determined early Spring.
Contact Information
- Address: Downing Drive, Lanigan, SK S0K 2M0
- Robert Sparks, President
- Phone: 306-360-7218
- Email: lgcc@sasktel.net
- Facebook Page: facebook.com/lanigangolfcourse
Season runs from April to June. Approximately 100 – 120 children are enrolled annually.
- Registration in April
Contact Information
- Ryan McDonald
- Phone: 306-360-7813
- Email: laniganminorbaseball@gmail.com
- Facebook Group: Lanigan Minor Ball
Minor Hockey is available for players age 5 – 18 years.
Contact Information
- Address: 21 Downing Drive, Lanigan, SK S0K 2M0
- Dustyn Failler, President
- Phone: 306-365-8255
- Email: laniganminorhockey@hotmail.com
- Facebook Page: Lanigan Minor Hockey
The team is active and competitive in their League and have made several appearances at Provincials playdowns, winning Provincial Senior B and losing Provincial Senior A in 2003.
- Long Lake Hockey League: November through March
Contact Information
- Team Manager
- Phone: 306-322-7289
The team is based on organized recreation play. All persons are welcome. The team does not have a league but several communities participate in a regular schedule of home and away games.
- Day: Thursday (Home Games)
- Time: 9:00 p.m.
The Team is based on organized recreation play. All women are welcome. The team does not have a league but several communities participate in a regular schedule of home and away games.
- Day: Sunday
- Time: 8:30 p.m.
Contact Information
- Charlie Elke
- Phone: 306-360-7712
- Day: Tuesday & Friday
- Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
- Carnival in March
Contact Information
- Rebecca Lamont, President
- Phone: 306-360-8899
- Facebook Page: Lanigan Skating Club
Lanigan Volleyball Club was organized in 1979. Since that time they have won 4 Provincial Tier I Championships; 3 Tier II Championships and many silver & bronze medals. They have represented Saskatchewan twice at the Western Canadian Midget (Women) Championships and have had players play on the Provincial Team. The Club has also hosted many provincial Championships.
Currently teams participate in the Arima Challenge Provincial Championships (U13, U15, U17, boys & girls) in the Fall as well as a province-wide tournament league and Provincial Championships in the Winter (U14, U16, U18, boys & girls).
Teams are organized in the Fall once school begins to compete in Provincials.
- Day: Monday through Friday (practice)
- Time: After school (January through March)
- Provincials: April/May
- Tournaments: Weekends as scheduled
Contact Information
- Email: laniganvolleyballclub@gmail.com
- Facebook Page: Lanigan Volleyball Club
Lanigan Lightning Spring Soccer
- League soccer for children and youth turning 4 to 18 years of age
- Start Date: Mid April through End of June
- Registration at www.stacksports.goalline.ca
- Age specific practice and game days are listed on the website at www.stacksports.goalline.ca
Lanigan Elite Spring Soccer
- For youth turning 11 to 15 years of age
- Competitive soccer involving travel to tournaments
- Practice and tournament dates TBD
Contact Information
- Ryan Melin
- Phone: 306-360-0786
- Email: ryanmelin@gmail.com
- Lorraine Mau
- Phone: 306-365-3052
- Email: lc.mau@sasktel.net
- Facebook Page: facebook.com/lanigansoccer
Our mission is to provide a safe place for students to dance, have fun, build confidence, learn to be part of a team, and make fitness an important part of their lives. We provide technically proper body alignment training, and age-appropriate movements in a nurturing, family atmosphere. Lanigan Dance Dynamics programs are for students of all ages who seek personal enrichment through dance training. We offer the best in technique and the newest choreography, while cultivating a love for dance in all dance students. Our teachers strive to raise the bar on excellence in dance education while providing a safe environment fostering achievement at the highest levels.
Lanigan Dance Dynamics offers the following classes:
- Acro
- Ballet
- Contemporary
- Exam class in RAD Ballet
- Exam class in CDTA Tap
- Hip Hop
- Jazz
- Lyrical
- Recreational Hip Hop
- Tap
Students of Lanigan Dance Dynamics have attended numerous competitions at various points in Saskatchewan and have achieved many awards and high honours for their dance expertise. All ages are welcome.
Dance Classes
- Weekly on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. (Sept – April)
- Location: Studio on Main Street
- Lanigan Dance Recital
- September open house – dancers can try out any dance class for free for the month of September
- Various Dance Competitions
Contact Information
- Address: 86 Main Street, Lanigan, SK S0K 2M0
- Megan Sparks, President
- Email: info@lanigandancedynamics.ca
- Facebook Page: facebook.com/LaniganDanceDynamics
Base Fitness is a locally owned Gym/Fitness centre in Lanigan that provides the community with a comfortable atmosphere to help you reach your goals. Work out at your convenience or join one of our many group classes.
Contact information
- Address: 40 Downing Drive, #1A, Carlton Trail Mall
- Phone: 306-318-9009
- Email: basefitnesslanigan@gmail.com
- Website: www.basefitness.ca
At Knausfit our mission is to help each individual grow and develop into the healthiest individual.
Contact information
- Miranda Knaus
- Phone: 306-287-8505
- Email: M.lissel16@gmail.com
- Website: www.knausfit.squarespace.com
- Facebook Page: facebook.com/knausfit