
Lanigan Lowdown: Mayor's Snapshot (July 15, 2024)

Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a good summer now that we are finally getting some warmer weather.

I thought it would be good to provide citizens with an update on how things are going with the Town operations. Since early March, which has really flown by, we have filled all vacant staff positions except one Operator position in public works. This is a huge step toward re-establishing an acceptable level of service delivery. There is lots of training and cross-training taking place that will lead to excellent service delivery over time. Yes, there are a few things that we fell behind on due to all the changes; however, we are now rapidly catching up thanks to the dedication and effort of staff. We appreciate everyone’s patience in helping support our staff as they learn and grow into their roles.

There are excellent things happening with health care support in our community that I have touched on recently. The Nurse Practitioner Cassandra Leggott will be starting her position on July 22nd. We are also close to getting a start date for the new doctor coming to replace Dr. Nan who is leaving in August. I want to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Nan for all she has done to deliver quality care to the residents of Lanigan and the surrounding area. We really appreciate all she has done. Personally, it has been a pleasure working with her in my role on the clinic board and getting to know her as a person. We don’t have any date for the 3rd doctor yet, but recruitment is underway, which is very positive for health care in Lanigan.

Celebrate Lanigan was a great success with the help of staff and many volunteers. It was great to see so many people out and enjoying all the activities that we had to offer. Thank you to the organizing committee as well as Cadence and all the Lanigan public works and office team for all the hard work to make the weekend a success. I look forward to next year when we continue to build the Celebrate Lanigan weekend.

The swimming pool operation is running smoothly thanks to Katelynn and Cadence and Brandon for working together to make this a great season at the pool. I also want to give a shout out to all our students that we have employed this year and what a great bunch of young people we have in this community from pool staff to administration, recreation, and public works. We truly appreciate you all. We are looking forward to the slide installation this fall to be ready for operations in the 2025 season. This will add the finishing touch to this great facility for Lanigan.

The website refresh and Thrive in Lanigan Phase II projects are well underway. Stay tuned for a brand new website that will be launched in the very near future, which we are looking forward to seeing and launching this summer.

Curb and sidewalk repair/replacement, catch basin replacement and paving projects are proceeding. Pothole patching continues with the public works team working hard to get caught up on this. I know there has been much frustration regarding potholes around town but as most of you know we had a very wet June, and you can’t fix potholes in the rain. We also had Celebrate Lanigan in June which was a lot of work to prepare for. We have some new team members that are still learning; however, the team is starting to gel, and we will get caught up on these pesky potholes. As I said in a previous Mayor's Snapshot, the potholes didn’t happen overnight; these have been years in the making. I must say great job public works on keeping our town looking great!

Cadence has put out a recreation survey and new ideas for recreation programming are coming forward. Town council is really looking forward to hearing from you with any ideas on programming you would like to see us provide for our community. Recreation is bigger than just sports; it is arts, culture, and inclusion for all ages.

I hope you all have a great summer.


- Mayor Tony Mycock