Lanigan Town Hall – 1909

The hall was considered to be quite a place as it housed the Dance Hall and Theater upstairs. It was built in 1909 and contained the morgue, jail, library, council chambers and fire hall – all downstairs.

It had a large bell on top which rang the curfew time (9:00 p.m.) each evening. There was a town policeman who saw to it that the curfew was enforced.

The Town Hall was torn down to make room for a new facility in the early ’50’s.


Lanigan – 1907

This picture was taken from the rooftop of the partially finished hotel, looking North.

  1. Roycroft and McGregor’s Hardware store
  2. Sisler and Tupper, general merchants
  3. Living quarters behind King’s general store
  4. Union Bank after they moved out of their tent
  5. Living quarters for Griffith and Campbell while their hotel was being built
  6. George Calvert’s drug store


Main Street Lanigan – 1910

Main Street Lanigan – 1917

Main Street Lanigan – 1964

Lanigan Railway Station

Lanigan School

Lanigan Post Office – 1940


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